Liam’s Birthday

Liam was so darn cute about what he wanted to do for his birthday this year.  He decided against having friends to Herron Island because “they don’t go to sleep.”  This boy gets the importance of sleep!  I have to admit…i was relieved!  Then he asked if we could “go on a trip.”  I thought he was asking because I am travelling so much for work these days.  I asked if he wanted to go with just me.  He said “well….daddy and Skyler can come too.”  There was a long silence and then I asked “and Presley?”  With a smirk, he answered “she can stay with grandma.”  LOL.  I get it buddy.  I really do.  He loves her so much….we all do…but she definitely changes the dynamic (in a mostly good way).  So, we ended up taking the day off work and bringing Liam and Skyler to the waterpark.  We had such a good time and even went on the Sky Coaster that raises you 125 ft in the air and then drops you.  The kids were so brave (and Leif and I too I might add)!  We did roller coasters, waterslides and the wave pool.  That evening we had a little party for LJ at the house.  It was a great day.