Liam’s Birthday

Liam woke up this morning to a HUGE bundle of balloons (aside from guitars, his favorite thing!). Once he realized it was HIS birthday and no longer daddy’s, he immediately asked for his Lightning Guitar…I had told him he could have it for his birthday. Let’s just say, its been 3 days now and he has not put the thing down. Its the first thing he asks for in the morning and the last thing we put away at night. He alternately sits by himself and strums it and stands on “stage” and performs with it.
We had his open house at school to go to in the morning which he enthusiastically embraced. He is going to LOVE Montessori school – it was like brain explosion with all the toys and activities. I am really excited for him.
We spent our day with Grandpa, Stephie and Grandma and Liam was in absolute heaven. We had fish tacos for dinner with the family and then his best buddies – Blake, Casper, Beckham and Christian came for cake and ice cream. Liam did so incredibly well with all the attention and excitement. I really think he had a GREAT 3rd birthday.
Happy birthday my precious boy!