Liam’s First Day of School!

Well, I am calling today Liam’s “official” first day of school since I got the days mixed up last week and he ended up going late last Wednesday. Sometimes I seriously wonder how I made it through law school and into the corporate world when I can’t even keep my first born’s school schedule straight. Needless to say, we were off to a shaky start however, today made up for it. Liam was SO excited to get his backpack on this morning and head off to Montessori School. He told us that “Montessori School’s cool” and told Skyler that “she couldn’t go till she was bigger like him.” I dropped him off and after hanging his jacket and backpack on his hanger, he was off and running. He gave me a kiss good bye and that was that. As Leif said – “we did it.” We have a secure little boy and a secure mommy. I felt so good.

Jessica picked him up from school a few minutes ago and this is the text I received from her:

“I just picked up Liam from school and he is happy. He said it was “good” and that he ate muffins. He said he couldn’t play outside because it rained but that he played music and ran around. Skyler keeps telling me “I pooped.”