Liam’s New Haircut

We have been scrambling quite a bit lately because our nanny is pregnant (yes, this is the third nanny to have gotten pregnant while working for us!) and has not been feeling up to working all of the time. While we look for someone we can trust with the most precious things in the world, Leif and I have been trading off mornings and afternoons. It has been rough, I’m not going to lie.

Although we are desperately trying to stay present with the kiddos, there has been a few times when work and kids have overlapped. Like today, when I had a meeting (at the house), Leif was on a conference call, Skyler was, thankfully, napping, and Liam was watching a movie in our room. Assuming all was well and even having dreams that he may have fallen asleep while watching the movie, I did not think twice when he came downstairs and told me to “look at my cool hair.” He has been putting water on it lately to make it look like he has gel in it, so I assumed that was what he was talking about. “Oh, it looks SO cool” I told him.
“Do you want to see where I put all my hair?” (Record screeches to a halt) “Huh?”
Then I noticed the bald spot on top of his head. He took me up to the bathroom where he had very carefully placed the stool in the bathtub (like his dad does when daddy cuts Liam’s hair), sat on the chair, and cut the top of his hair with his kiddy scissors.
I laughed because he kept telling Leif he did it because it looked “cool.” I figure it could have been a lot worse had Skyler been awake!