Mexico – Liam does it best!

Mexico was a blast and Liam was such a trooper. He slept the entire flight down after giving off a few award winning smiles to the people sitting next to us. He loved the warm weather and spent the entire week in his short sleeved onsies (showing off his big turkey legs!). I am pretty sure his favorite part was sitting next to his dad at the pool and taking naps. We had a wonderful time with Matt and Jen and their daughter, Audrey, whom Liam was quite taken with. Grandma Nancy and Opa Dave were a big help and took Liam several times so that Leif and I could get some alone time to drink margaritas and mojitos poolside. The weather was beautiful and we got to see the whales migrating…one jumped clear out of the water. It was a much needed, very relaxing time.