We hesitantly and nervously left the kids Thursday afternoon to head out to Mexico. My mom and David were in charge of getting them to Arizona – 3 hours on an airplane – certainly, no easy task! But Arizona and four grandparents would be in charge of our two precious babies for a whole week. And Leif and I, for the first time in 7 months, would get to sleep through the night, wake up slowly and quietly, relax poolside, and drink margaritas without worrying about midnight wake ups!

Mom, David and the kids made it to Arizona without a glitch. From what they told us, aside from a couple set backs due to no naps, the kids were in heaven! Spoiled by their grandparents the whole week long.

As for us, we exploited the fact that we had no kids and went overboard on the relaxation. We established a routine of getting up in the morning, laying in bed to drink coffee, going to the gym to workout, laying in the steam room (with cucumbers on our eyes and eucalyptus towels on our bodies), and then sitting by the pool, drinking and eating for the remainder of the day! We did not stop talking to each other for 3 days straight – it was the first uninterrupted conversations we had been able to have in months!

Gina and Alex came in on day two and we spent one absolutely crazy night downtown Cabo. It started at the hotel with two for one drinks, went on to La Cucina for dinner and more drinks, and then to Cabo Wabo for dancing, (more drinks), and live music. Had it not been for the horrendous hang over the next day, it would have been a perfect night. We had a blast!

Suddenly on day five, the kids started to weave themselves back into our conversations and my heart started to ache to hold them in my arms. We met them at the airport on our way back in and both kids were ecstatic – both to see us and to tell us about the trip to Arizona.

We are so thankful to the grandparents for taking on the kids for one week so that we could get away! It was the perfect getaway – just enough time to miss home and be excited to return!