Our first Summer visit to Sun Valley

And here we thought Sun Valley was only a Winter Paradise!  We had the most incredible time picking up the keys to our new two bedroom condo – owned with Uncle Kiki and Uncle Mike!  We mountain biked, played frisbee at River Run, had a bonfire up at Lee and Leslie’s cabin, swam at the YMCA, biked into town, drank coffee from the local coffee shop and shopped at the local Board Bin! 

We are starting to think that Sun Valley may have been a life changing investmennt for our family.  Everything “outdoorsy” was literally out our back door.  The kids thrived as they explored Warm Springs on their bikes by themselves.  We took Liam mountain biking for the first time up at Galena while the girls went to the hot springs with Aunt Leslie.  Skyler learned how to shift and use hand breaks and the older two even biked home from town by themselves.  Presley rode behind Leif’s cruiser in her “princess carriage”.

Everyone was so relaxed and physically engaged.  So much so that it planed a seed….would this be a better paced life?  Is this a place we could raise our kids??