Our own little Alarm Clock….

Our power went out last night for 3 hours.
Tim, Aly and their little one, Blake, came over for a candle light dinner. Blake and Liam play so well together – their favorite was playing “chase” all over the house and screaming. They dance too…it is ridiculously cute! Skyler was, as usual, easy as pie, until….
Let me premise this story on the fact that Skyler has been sleeping from 7pm until 4am. Its really not that big of a deal, because we just feed her a couple ounces of milk and she goes right back down.
Last night though, she woke up at 12:30. Leif and I were instantly annoyed because if she is going to wake up at 12:30, it most likely means another wake up at 4am. That makes for very interrupted sleep. We considered letting her “cry it out” but that just was not working. Finally, we gave in and fed her and she eventually went down. We were up for about an hour. Then, at 3:45, she was up again! Instantly frustrated, I went in and tried to pacify her. However, she was bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to face the day and kick butt. Hence the picture…WIDE AWAKE.
Leif was in denial and I was ready to go down stairs to get some sleep and just let her cry it out when I realized I was not at all tired and it was getting light out.
You guessed it….we forgot to turn our clock ahead when the power came back on. Thus, it was really 3:30 when she woke the first time and 6:45 when she woke the second time….just like she usually does. We felt bad for being irritated but little Skyler did not seem to mind…she was the only one who knew what was going on!