Presley and Grandma at Gymnastics

Well, grandma couldn’t let her baby be ignored.  With Skyler getting so much attention from gymnastics and Liam with baseball, grandma enrolled Presley into a mommy (grandma) and me class at the Gymnastics Connection.  Presley is apparently a bit of a spazz running around like a chicken with her head cut off.  Grandma runs around trying to keep up and trying to keep Presley from jumping off (or falling off) the mats.  She says that by the end, Presley is just fine but she is exhausted!  Leif went to watch them today and said it was the funniest thing.  Every grandma turned around, Presley was gone.  He said my mom just kept throwing her arms up and saying “I have no idea where she is!”  Sometimes Aunt Chris and cousin Grant come too.  They have become such good buddies.