Sage School Play

After exploring their ancestry all year at Sage, the 6th and 7th grade kiddos put on a play last night showcasing some of the stories they learned from parents and grandparents about their families of the past. There were stories from the Holocaust, to curing smallpox, to battles in WW2, to Liam and Skyler’s story of their great uncle who was drafted to pitch for the Yankees. Oh, and I could never forget the story of their Papa (my dad) who joined the DA’s office in LA during the Manson trial!

The Play was performed at the Humane Society out Croy canyon last night – a gorgeous, warm evening. the kids were awesome! Skyler’s highlight was playing Sacajawea. Essentially a solo role with a ton of lines and she had such stage presence. What a star! And Liam’s highlight was playing his great Uncle AlAn Grant as the star pitcher. He nailed his lines and appeared calm as a cucumber! The really cool thing about that was that Skyler had written that scene and Liam got to star in it.

The kids have weathered this year so well and I do believe Sage has been a big part of that. I am grateful we were able to keep them in school, surrounded by other kids. As with all schools, there have been ups and downs but overall, I think they will look back at this year and realize they were incredibly lucky!