Skyler’s Tooth

Poor little Skyler (or, as her dentist likes to say, “lucky Skyler!”) had an extra tooth growing in with her two front adult teeth!  We discovered it about a year ago when the dentist took full xrays of her teeth.  Unbelievable!  Poor, brave Skyler went in last week to get it pulled out.  It had not yet broken through her gums as she has not even lost her baby teeth yet, but they said it needed to come out as it would otherwise affect her two regular ones.  She was so brave.  So good.  So perfect through the whole ordeal.  They gave her a “cocktail” when she first came in that started to hit after about 10 minutes.  The little cutie’s head started to get heavy and sort of roll around and she giggled that she felt dizzy.  They took her back to the operating room, put her under, and we sat…completely stressed out for the next 30 minutes.  When they let us back to see her, she was still under but with gauze all around her gums.  When she woke up she was incoherent for about an hour, saying silly things like “all I see are razzzberries!”  She says she was trying to take her socks off and that is why she kept reaching in front of her.  Poor little thing.  We couldn’t help but laugh but i think most of our giggles were that the procedure had gone smoothly and she was ok (and awake!).  She developed an infection throughout the next week and had to go back in to get the roof of her mouth drained.  For her, that was the hardest and most painful part.  But, yet again…she was calm, cool and collected..  She amazes me.