Two Kids – Six Shots
Well, it can’t get much harder than today’s visit to the doctor. We had Skyler’s 4 month check up (which was almost 3 weeks late) and Liam’s 2 year old check up (which was almost a month late). They both checked out perfectly – percentile’s below. And, really, looking back at this blog and seeing what we went through at Liam’s 4 month check up, things could have been much worse! Whereas, Liam cried (no, SCREAMED) for 45 minutes, Skyler cried for about 5 minutes. I had Grandma Mum with me which was so nice – I needed the moral support. She took Skyler out after her shots to calm her down and feed her. Liam did awesome. So much harder now that he is so aware of pain. He had to get 3 shots as well, including the flu shot. I had some Trader Joes candy in my bag for afterwards and he cried for only a few minutes as well.