Ukelele Camp

Now here is a story that perfectly depicts my mother, whom I love and cherish and find absolutely hysterical (and sometimes quite insane).  She told me about this ukelele camp taught by a native hawaiian who was also a fairly well known musician in Seattle.  She was dying to take Liam.  Liam was game and so they packed up and went.  About half way through the week, we started talking about the camp in more depth…who else is there…where exactly is it…how did she find out about it.  I know, you would think I would have asked these questions earlier but quite honestly, everything right now is totally last minute with us.  As it turns out, the camp is for multi-racial families.  She found out about it from my aunt Chris who subscribes to a newsletter since Grant is now in a multi-racial family.  Oh…and by the way…it is in South Seattle, just off Rainier Blvd.  “You do realize mom, that we are not a multi-racial family, right?”  “Well of course, but they LOVE Liam and I am sure its fine.”  Yep…that’s my mom.  So, after the initial freak out and some conversations with co-workers to make sure the Rainier Community Center was safe, we had a good laugh about it.  Did I mention that the teachers are convinced Liam is native american??