Our Backyard

Spent 6 hours at the river today. Leif, Liam and I spent 3 fishing and then the rest of the free range children from the neighborhood joined us. I can’t believe this is our backyard.

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Presley’s Bday Party

Leave it to Presley to demand a pajama-spa-sprinkler party. This kid is going to change the WORLD. Happy 7th birthday my strong, hilarious, fun loving firecracker of a girl! You always keep us on our toes and bring so much energy to our family. I think the coolest and most heart warming part…

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Trip of a Lifetime

Rafting down the Middle Fork was so much more of everything than I could have ever imagined. The beauty, the peace, the disconnectedness, the freedom, the playfulness, the stars, the rapids, the smiles, the conversations, the bonding. So so so good!……

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Back to SV

We came back to SV Sunday afternoon after an amazing time at Herron. As we pulled into the driveway, we saw a mama moose and baby laying in our backyard. Who needs to go to Yellowstone when we live in a flippin wilderness!

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Skyler can wakeboard!

After some serious negotiation, a few tearful conversations, and some encouragement/shaming from her family, Skyler decided to try wakeboarding again. She had gotten up for a few seconds last year but then smacked down hard and has been scared ever since. She got up no problem this time and her…

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Herron Island Fun

So much fun, as always, at Herron this summer. We are so lucky to have this place in our family. The kids enjoy their non-structures days, sleeping in and then having all the freedom in the world to play and be kids. With their grandma and grandpa down the beach to escape to when they need extra…

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Presley has a Matty

We were always bummed that Matt and Amie did not have kids when we did as Leif always dreamed of his kids growing up with Matt’s kids on Herron Island. But our third and their first are just a year and a half apart and get along like they’ve been best friends forever. They have been hanging out…

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I am participating in Idaho Rivers United’s River Run and was wondering if you would support me.

Idaho Rivers United works to protect and restore Idaho’s rivers and native fisheries, a cause very important to me. Idaho’s rivers need ongoing dedicated protections to keep our waters running clean, clear, and full of fish.

To participate in the River Run, I rafted down the Middle Fork River and had a great time. I saw lots of different kinds of fish and even a black bear.  They were all in their natural habitat and I want to keep it that way so all wildlife can be happy forever.

Please consider supporting me in my efforts for this worthy cause!

~Liam Jensen

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